On May 1st I received a very exciting message, telling me I got awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in the Office Development category. Needless to say I was very, very excited to receive this award!
I knew I was nominated, obviously, but still it came as a big surprise to have been accepted to this select crowd of awesome community collaborators!
It's been a wonderful two weeks already, participating in everything that goes on in this wonderful group. Meeting new people, providing and receiving insights that otherwise wouldn't have been possible.
There are some advantages to being an MVP and it brings some additional benefits, but I am most proud of the physical MVP Award Kit:

It comes in a very nice box and contains a certificate to hang on your wall, a lapel pin, some stickers and a card. The most important thing is the (very) heavy glass award that allows you to slide on a Pac-Man shaped thing containing the year you've been awarded. You get a new one for every year you are re-awarded, how cool is that?!
I still can't believe this happened, but I'm going to make the most of this year. It might never happen again, so I'm going to enjoy it to its fullest extent!